
Over fifty years later this volunteer's presence is still being felt

In 1956 David Hoggett volunteered alongside the founder of VSO, assissting Hungarian refugees. His brother Christopher remembers VSO in his Will. 

VSO volunteer awards 2017 winners

On 5th December we held our second VSO Volunteer Awards to recognise our volunteers from across the globe for their outstanding contribution to developing countries.

A quick guide to volunteering as a nurse or midwife

Are you a nurse or midwife thinking about volunteering with VSO? Find out about volunteer placements for nurses and midwives and the benefits to be gained.

Schoolgirl or bride? Millions of girls fight for basic rights

More than 130 million girls are out of school. Many dropped out out due to pressure to marry too young, robbing them of their childhoods, their rights and their future. It's not too late to rescue them from a bleak future.

Life’s rich tapestry: Remembering Sally Darlington

Textile artist Sally Darlington was deeply inspired by the four years she spent volunteering with VSO in Ghana. Sally sadly lost her battle with terminal cancer earlier this month, but not before talking to VSO about a life taking the road less travelled. We remember her here.

Meet the 96-year-old who helped raise £50,000 for VSO

Over the past 40 years, Gwen Owen has helped raise an estimated £50,000 for VSO, supporting better education, health and livelihoods for the world's least privileged people. Gwen says collecting for a good cause isn't just satisfying, it's keeping her young.

"Volunteering was one of the best times of my life - so I'm remembering it in my Will"

Chris is passionate about the role volunteering can play in changing lives around the world and so has left a gift in his Will to VSO. He shares the experiences that fostered a strong trust in VSO’s legacy. 

"I want the next generation to benefit from my legacy"

Charles knows his time in Tanzania gave him skills that lasted throughout his life. He has generously left a gift in his Will to VSO. Here, he tells us why.

My baby comes to class with me

Zainab Boima and her eight-month-old son are pupils at the Teenage Mother’s School. FINE Salone and VSO run an informal school so teen mums to continue their basic education.

Fighting for Deaf inclusion in Kenya: Sylvester's story

Sylvester Ochieng, 28, is volunteering for a Kenya where all children have equal education opportunities. Children with hearing impairments face additional barriers to attending and making progress in school. He explains the impact he is seeing on his placement in Bungoma County.

Overcoming life's challenges: Edwin's story

Edwin's experience volunteering led him to recognition as a 'deaf role model' and eventually to a fulfilling job as a teacher.

How global warming is impacting the poorest people on the planet

Our earth and its weather systems are finely balanced. Even a small change has huge ramifications and it’s the planet’s poorest people who are shouldering the biggest burden.