Consolata and her mother

Our projects

VSO runs a vast number of projects spanning our three global programmes; health and wellbeing, inclusive education and resilient livelihoods. Here are examples of our current and past work.

Examples of our projects in

Inclusive education

Making sure everyone gets the skills they need to live a fulfilled, dignified life.

More about our work in inclusive and resilient education

Primary children gardening

Supporting early childhood education in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement

VSO has supported 4,500 learners with early childhood care and education in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda.

Children in classroom

Getting children back to school in Pakistan

In 2022 Pakistan experienced some of its deadliest floods in years. VSO are helping to ensure education is still possible for children displaced by flooding.

Children hold hands in circle

Creating inclusive education spaces in Nepal

Supporting the most vulnerable children to access and participate equally in education in Nepal.

Children in Nepal at an education fair

Strengthening civil society organisations for resilient and inclusive education governance

Ensuring every child in Nepal has the right to a quality education, free from discrimination.

Mrs Emily Groga, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Basic & Senior Secondary Education, launching the BFLTT project.
D&D Communications

Building Foundational Learning Through Technology

In April 2023 VSO was delighted to launch an exciting new educational technology programme “Building Foundational learning through technology project (BFLTT) in Sierra Leone.

Young mother in the classroom

Empowering Adolescent Girls to Learn and Earn (EAGLE)

Improving literacy, numeracy, business, and life skills for adolescent girls in Mozambique.

Two young schoolchildren sit on the floor at Mdzobwe Primary School and use their tablets to learn
VSO/Jeff DeKock

Building Educational Foundations through Innovation and Technology (BEFIT)

Improving foundational literacy and numeracy skills for 3.5 million children in Malawi.

Young children play with the volunteers

Let’s Learn Through Play (Twigire Mumikino Rwanda)

Championing play as a tool for creative, engaged and resilient learners in Rwanda.

Andrew Ashe with children using tablets to support education in Malawi

VSOSCHOOL app: Using technology to empower educators

The VSOSCHOOL app is an invaluable resource that supports children and educator’s learning – both inside and outside the classroom.

Rohingya children play with the toys donated by VSO
VSO/Abir Abdullah

Supporting Rohingya child refugees

Providing Rohingya child refugees with vital care, home-based education, and safe places to learn and play.

A student on the Unlocking Talent programme smiles as she works on her tablet in Mdzobwe Primary School
Jeff DeKock

Using technology to deliver high quality education

Addressing global education challenges with award-winning technology.

Family plants mangrove trees
Lisa Marie David

Resilient livelihoods

Ensuring people have the skills and opportunities needed to support themselves and their families.


More about our work in resilient livelihoods
Youth holding hands

Integrating Peacebuilding, Development and Humanitarian Efforts on the Kenya/Ethiopia border

Climate-induced disasters are fuelling instability at the Kenya/Ethiopia border, where many families rely on farming for their livelihood. VSO are bringing communities together to foster peace and social cohesion.

Man at landfill site

From Waste to Work

Strengthen green youth-led start-ups in Kenya to create decent jobs through waste recovery.

Spinach planted on a floating garden on the East Tonle Sap Lake
VSO/Sophea Chheun

Generating Resilient Environments and Promoting Socio-Economic Development of the East Tonle Sap Lake (GREEN)

Livelihoods of those living on the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia are being threatened by overfishing and climate change. GREEN is helping vulnerable communities to transition to sustainable agriculture while boosting their incomes.

Tailor Macklyne Katsuiime sits at her sewing machine, with patterned fabric hanging next to her and a tape measure around her neck
VSO/Georgie Scott

Challenge Fund for Youth Employment

The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) is a five-year programme supporting youth employment initiatives within West Africa/Sahel, Horn of Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, creating a more prosperous future for 200,000 young people.

Brown, a VSO deaf volunteer discussing with Joy, a sign language interpreter
Lotus Bleu Ltd

Adolescent health and wellbeing

Improving health services for all and empowering the most marginalised to exercise their right to quality care.

More about our work in health and wellbeing
Youth Panel meeting

Make Way

Embracing intersectionality for inclusion in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia.

A male prisoner sits on a tree stump and reads a book in the yard of Mutimurefu Prison, whilst other prisoners chop wood in the background
VSO/Cynthia Matonhodze

Improving the health and wellbeing of prison populations in Southern Africa

Improving prison health through an innovative combination of volunteer peer support, skills training, and advocating for change.

Find out more

Purnima at a catch up class
Suraj Shakya

Inclusive education

Making sure everyone gets the skills they need to live a fulfilled, dignified life.

We helped over 3.2 million people to access the quality education they deserve in 2022-23.

Girls at the She Club, a safe space for girls to learn about SRHR
Chosa Mweemba

Adolescent and youth health and wellbeing

Improving health services and empowering people to exercise their right to quality care.

We helped almost 90,000 people access better healthcare in 2022-23.

Young female farmers in Kenya
VSO/Paul Wambugu

Resilient livelihoods

Ensuring people have the skills and opportunities needed to support themselves and their families.

200,000 people benefited from our work supporting livelihoods in 2022-23.