This page provides help with the most common questions about VSO.
How can I keep up to date with VSO news?
You can stay up to date with the latest news, volunteer opportunities and stories from our work across Africa and Asia, via our blog and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and by signing up to VSOs regular email newsletter.
How can I update my contact details?
Please call the Supporter Care Team on 020 8780 7500 or fill out our contact form with your previous and updated details and we’ll be happy to make the changes you request.
How can I remove my details from your mailing list?
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the end of the email or if your prefer you can call the Supporter Care Team on 020 8780 7500 or fill out our contact form with your contact preference and we’ll be happy to make the changes you request.
How can I donate to VSO?
There are several ways in which you can support our work. If you would like to donate over the phone or set up a direct debit, then please give our Supporter Care Team a call on +44 (0)208 780 7500 and we would be happy to help you.
If you would prefer to donate online, you can do so via our website at www.vsointernational.org/get-involved/support-us
You can also donate via post by using our freepost address below:
126 Fairlie Road
Can I donate to a specific project or country?
In most cases, we're not able to send donations to specific countries or projects. This ensures donations are invested where the need is greatest. If you'd like to donate a larger gift to a specific project, please do get in touch with our Supporter Care team.
How is my donation spent?
Of every £1 donated to VSO, 85p goes directly to our projects around the world, with the remaining 15p being spent on governance, admin, and raising the next £1.
We aim to be as transparent as possible, so we publish our annual report every year which includes income and costs. You can also see just how far your donation goes and what we achieved with the lovely support of people like you.
How can I amend or cancel my donation?
Please call the Supporter Care Team on 020 8780 7500 or fill out our contact form and we’ll be happy to make the changes you request.
How can I request a reference or Confirmation of Service?
Please contact our Recruitment team who will be able to assist with your request. You can reach them at recruitment@vsoint.org.
How can I partner with VSO?
Volunteer and partnership opportunities are initiated and developed by the country office in which the volunteer/partnership will be based. This means that you need to contact the VSO office in your country directly to see if you can partner with VSO and request a volunteer for your organisation, community, or project.
You can find the contact details for our country offices here: www.vsointernational.org/our-work/where-we-work
Who do I contact about a pension query?
The endowment plan is now managed by Phoenix Life. You can contact them on 0345 882 8121 or via email at clientservices@phoenix-services.info
To identify you, they may ask for your address at the time as well as your full name and date of birth.
How do I volunteer with VSO?
Check out our Volunteering FAQs for the answers to all your questions about volunteering.
I’ve had a visit or phone call from a VSO fundraiser. Was this genuine?
We work with trusted fundraising agencies to raise vital funds on behalf of VSO. It’s always good to check if you have concerns. You can read more about our door to door fundraising here and our telephone fundraising here.
If you have any questions or concerns about our fundraising, please contact our Supporter Care Team.
Take a look at some of our other FAQs
Get in touch
Get in touch
Still not found the answer to your question? Fill out our contact form and a member of our staff will get back to you.