VSO Digital Ambassador Promise with UNV Volunteers

Given Promise

Digital Ambassador

Given Promise

Hi! I’m Promise, I am 33 years old and I am very proud to call myself a Nigerian.

Taking on the VSO Digital Ambassador role is exciting for me, given my experience in designing online trainings and activities for the national youth engagement network here in Nigeria.

I am passionate about supporting young people to bring about change at a policy level through creating online conversations and using film as a medium to get across key messages and demonstrate impact.

About me

My friends, family and work colleagues would describe me as being very passionate about the issues I care about and advocate for. They would also describe me as playful and I learnt from a young age, working in a kids club that you need to get down to their level and listen to them and open up. I apply that principle in all interactions in my life.

Given Promise presenting at an event.
Given presenting at a meeting.

I hope that the ambassador role will help me to connect with decision makers at a transnational level, including the UK government, partner organisations and collaborators, to advocate on issues such as climate change, education and women and girls rights. 

I first heard about VSO when I was at school and looking for voluntary opportunities. I saw pictures of a VSO project and felt inspired! Three years later I started work as a VSO national volunteer and engagement specialist and I was responsible for coordinating activities for the youth network.

I work on climate change innovations here in Nigeria and carry out advocacy and leadership trainings and climate trainings on community engagement. I recently attended the African Climate Summit in Abuja and in Katsina State and I engage with the Head of Ministries and departments.

I am passionate about creating pathways for females to access livelihood and economic opportunities in order for them to have financial standing. I’m a gender advocate. It stems from the home I grew up in. There are three females in my family. I watched my mum struggle and I saw opportunities given to my male relatives rather than my sisters. In Nigeria most opportunities are given to men.

One thing I love is our gender actions and gender approaches. How we get the women support group to take action and how the youth network is taking action and driving change and policies. There is an online movement using hashtags so we can amplify our messaging and people can join in the conversation.

Our ambition is to engage 10,000 national youth volunteers in Nigeria, to build their capacity on community engagement and skills acquisition. I’ll also be working with the women's support group for the From Waste to Work project, school climate leaders club and lastly, setting up VSO farmers group for agroecology to help them develop strategies to support their livelihood and productivity.

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I’d love to answer any questions that you might have about my work! My passions are around advocating on climate, resilient livelihoods, gender, policy and youth leadership.

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From Waste to Work

The From Waste to Work project aims to strengthen green youth-led start-ups so that they can create decent jobs through waste recovery and value addition.

The project is designed to create lasting impact for 3,900 most vulnerable youth active in the waste sector to build successful enterprises and earn a sustainable living income.

Learn more about From Waste to Work

The From Waste to Work project is funded by the IKEA Foundation and implemented by VSO Netherlands in collaboration with Taka Taka Solutions (TTS) and the International Child Development Initiatives Foundation (ICDI).