Smiling Pakistani boy child
VSO/Akifullah Khan

Kin Magazine

Kin is VSO’s magazine which features insightful stories about the work you're supporting to build a fairer world for everyone.

March 2025

Welcome to Kin!

Donne Cameron and Kathryn Gordon
Kathryn Gordon and Donné Cameron. Co-Chief Executives of VSO.

As VSO’s new Co-CEOs, we’re delighted to have this opportunity to thank you for being a part of our
global family. Your support helps to challenge injustice and inequality around the world, and achieve
lasting change through volunteering.

VSO’s role in supporting children’s education features strongly in this edition.

Pakistan has the second highest number of children who aren’t attending school in the world. Among
them are Afghan refugees, whose families have fled conflict. On pages 4-7, you can read about how VSO volunteers are teaching children and helping them on the path to a better future.

As two women whose lives have been shaped by our own educational opportunities, we want to see
all children on learning journeys that will enable them to thrive. The reality is, every day a child isn’t in
school is a day lost, and a day when they are in danger. So, please send a gift to help more children
learn the skills that will transform their futures.

Kathryn Gordon and Donné Cameron
Co-Chief Executives of VSO

How to use the player

Zooming in and out:

Magazines can be enlarged by zooming in using the tool in the bottom right corner. There are 3 options to zoom in and out within the magazine.

  • Option 1: Double-click with your mouse on the area you want to be zoomed in. You can then get back to the normal view by double-clicking again. 
  • Option 2: You're able to move the slide bar to right and left at the bottom right corner of the player.
  • Option 3: You can use the "+" icon for zooming in and the "-" icon for zooming out.

Please note that using the zoom function on your browser may not work.

Full screen

The button in the on the bottom far right will allow you to view the magazine in full screen.


You're able to search for a specific word within the magazine using the search tool found in the bottom right corner.

Downloading and sharing

The buttons download and share can be found in the top right corner. If you're struggling to use the player, you can download the magazine as a PDF.

Further guidance on using the player

Previous editions

Kin Issue 13 - September 2024Kin Issue 12 - September 2023Kin Issue 11 - March 2023Kin Issue 10 - September 2022Kin Issue 9 - March 2022

Pakistani girl writing

An education can’t wait. Every day counts.

Please help bring more children like Najeeba* back into the classroom.

More ways to support us

Female farmers high-fiving
Paul Wambugu/ Obscuramedia

Free Wills service

We’ve partnered with Octopus Legacy, a leading Free Will writing service, to help our volunteers and supporters write or amend free wills online or over the phone.

VSO Volunteer Nitin Singh
Suraj Singh

Sponsor a Volunteer

Sponsor a Volunteer and help unlock the incredible power of people.

Young children play with the volunteers

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*Pseudonyms have been used to protect identities.