Girls in school uniform
Suraj Ratna Shakya

Girls education

Access to inclusive and quality education for girls essential to promoting gender equality and empowerment. Education gives women and girls the opportunity to access social, economic and political opportunities.

Educated girls seldom marry young and are seen to lead more healthy and meaningful lives as they can understand and mindfully engage with the world around them and take on leadership roles. 

Girls face barriers to education often because they are trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty, harmful socio-cultural norms and practices, violence and violation, poor infrastructure and lack of agency. An education free of harmful gender/social norms empower girls and boys and enables them to contribute to reductions in school-related gender-based violence and harmful practices, including child/early marriage.

Along with social, political and economic barriers, climate change creates additional vulnerability for women and girls. In this context, there is a need for collective action and initiatives that tackle the multitude of issues faced by girls. 

Past and current projects supporting girls education

Children in classroom

Getting children back to school in Pakistan

In 2022 Pakistan experienced some of its deadliest floods in years. VSO are helping to ensure education is still possible for children displaced by flooding.

Children in Nepal at an education fair

Strengthening civil society organisations for resilient and inclusive education governance

Ensuring every child in Nepal has the right to a quality education, free from discrimination.

Young mother in the classroom

Empowering Adolescent Girls to Learn and Earn (EAGLE)

Improving literacy, numeracy, business, and life skills for adolescent girls in Mozambique.

An older woman and a teenage girl sit outside on the ground in Nepal, studying
VSO/Suraj Shakya

Empowering a new generation of adolescent girls with education (ENGAGE)

Addressing socio-cultural norms in Nepal to ensure girls education is prioritised, and girls with disabilities are given the chance to thrive.

Two young schoolchildren sit on the floor at Mdzobwe Primary School and use their tablets to learn
VSO/Jeff DeKock

Building Educational Foundations through Innovation and Technology (BEFIT)

Improving foundational literacy and numeracy skills for 3.5 million children in Malawi.

Mrs Emily Groga, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Basic & Senior Secondary Education, launching the BFLTT project.
D&D Communications

Building Foundational Learning Through Technology

Working in partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone, the Building Foundational Learning through Technology (BFLTT) project in Sierra Leone is using ed-tech to enhance learning in remote regions.

Nepalese girl outside of school
Priyanka Budhathoki

Sisters for Sisters' Education

Supporting vulnerable girls to succeed in school – and beyond.

Child using tablet

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Related links

Purnima at a catch up class
Suraj Shakya

Inclusive education

Making sure everyone gets the skills they need to live a fulfilled, dignified life.

We helped almost 3.6 million people to access the quality education they deserve using our current strategy.

Children playing. Nyamasheke, Rwanda.

Early childhood care and education (ECCE)

ECCE addresses the period from birth to 8 years old. It is an key stage for education intervention because it capitalises on a period of rich brain development for children.

Pilipino community volunteer Jovencia laughs with her friend
VSO/Lisa Marie David

Where we work

Where VSO projects are happening across Africa and Asia.