Providing essential learning and psychosocial support after the Nepal earthquake.
A quarter of Nepal’s population was directly impacted by the 2015 earthquake, including more than 1.7 million children.
3,000 schools were lost or damaged. Even where schools were safe, many children and parents were too afraid to go into buildings, to be out of each other’s sight, or were too involved in relief and recovery to be able to return to education. Similarly, many teachers were fearful to return to work, were occupied with relief and recovery, or were too traumatised to teach.

Ensuring the protection of children is fundamental to any emergency response. The longer that children are out of school, particularly the most vulnerable groups, the less likely they are to re-enter formal education.
Actively functioning schools help the public to feel that life is getting back to normal. After a disaster of this scale it brings a sense of comfort to know that their children are in a safe, protected learning environment. This also frees parents up to pursue their livelihood and generate an income again.
Our response
Within an hour of the first earthquake, we started mobilising staff, volunteers, networks and resources. Thanks to the outpouring of generosity from our supporters, including many past volunteers, and with the partnership and support of UNICEF, we were able to:
- Establish 100 temporary learning centres, enabling 17,000 children to continue learning while their schools were rebuilt. The centres were equipped with teaching and learning materials, and had separate toilet facilities for girls and boys.
- Distribute essential teaching and learning supplies to 7,869 children at 75 schools.
- Provide psycho-social support for 11,250 children, parents and teachers.
- Train 267 teachers and 91 community mobilisers and youth volunteers to encourage children and their families to attend school.

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