Refund policy


Under the Charities Act we are not usually able to give refunds for donations made through this site. Where refunds are made, it is at our discretion.

Volunteer fundraising

Fundraising forms a part of a volunteers pre-departure preparation for UK-based long-term volunteers and youth volunteers on our International Citizen Service scheme. We are clear that funds raised in this way do not constitute a payment for a service or experience. We see fundraising as a beneficial activity to prepare our volunteers for placements, and the funds raised are a contribution towards VSO's work, and often will not relate directly to that volunteer’s placement.  

As funds raised through these activities do not constitute a payment, we would not refund except in unusual circumstances. Where refunds are made, it is at our discretion.

Problems with payment

If you experience any problem with your payment please contact us on 44 (0)20 8780 7500 or email