
Woman with children, Rohingya_camps Bangladesh
VSO/Abir Abdullah

Update on UK Government funding for VSO

An update on our Volunteering for Development grant by Philip Goodwin, Chief Executive Officer, VSO.

Volunteer Carol Carson walks in woodland in Scotland
Carol Carson

The nursing volunteer making a world of difference

Carol Carson transformed training for student nurses, improved communities' patient care and trained midwives in life-saving skills, before being honoured by the Queen in 2020.

Little Sister Anjali Patel at home with her mother Munni Devi Patel
VSO/P Mathema

The shadow pandemics

The coronavirus pandemic has devastated so many lives. But it isn't just one pandemic – from plummeting mental health to escalating gender-based violence – the most vulnerable in society are living through multiple invisible crises all at once.

Yu Saret farming in her field.
VSO/Cesar Lopez Balan

Climate change and overfishing in Cambodia in 7 photos

Fisherfolk living on Cambodia's biggest lake are taking a stand against climate change and overfishing, and finding alternative sources of income thanks to support from VSO.

Willeke Gerritsen walks to her placement in Nepal.
Willeke Gerritsen

From the frontlines of Ebola to COVID-19: One volunteer’s journey

Nurse Willeke Gerritsen shares how volunteering during the Ebola outbreak in 2014 prepared her to take on COVID-19 in the Netherlands.

Mound of gold on an old table.

Shining a light on the plight of women in Zimbabwe’s mining communities

In poor, rural communities in Zimbabwe, miners put their lives at risk in the pursuit of gold, and it’s often women who suffer the consequences.

Volunteer and headteacher speak at a school in Mon state, Myanmar
©VSO/Nyan Zay Htet

How women are taking the lead in the COVID-19 pandemic

On March 8 every year, International Women’s Day shines a spotlight on the fight for gender equality. Now, we’re celebrating the inspiring women volunteering to help make the world a fairer place in the time of the pandemic.

Children hold balloons in front of a wooden gate in Ethiopia.
VSO/Jasper Kasbergen

Celebrating VSO's lockdown heroes: VSO Volunteer Impact Awards

More than 300 VSO volunteers, supporters and friends came together on 19 January 2021 to celebrate the impact of volunteering for development at the Volunteer Impact Awards.  

Student from at Umutara School for Deaf children.
VSO/Ben Langdon

Five ways volunteers are supporting students with disabilities

With countries around the world in lockdown, children with learning difficulties and disabilities are more vulnerable than ever. We hear from four Rwandan-based volunteers making sure these children aren’t left behind.

Volunteer Karen Gartner and tailor Macklyne Katsuiime
VSO/Georgie Scott

Why volunteering will be the best thing you ever do

Each year, more than one billion people volunteer; joining them might just be the best thing you ever do. Here’s why.

Close up of a hand holding a small red card with "4 - Quality Education" written on it
Prado on Unsplash

Does anyone still care about the SDGs?

Over five years since world leaders created the Sustainable Development Goals, with attention now focused squarely on the global pandemic, you'd be forgiven for wondering: does anyone still care about the SDGs?

A schoolgirl in Myanmar back at school.
©VSO/Nyan Zay Htet

2020: The difference you've made

We want to thank the volunteers and supporters who have given us hope this year, despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic.