
Michael explains Unlocking Talent to the Deputy Minister of Education Madam Elivina Grogera.
Michael Conteh

How technology is improving early grade children’s learning in Sierra Leone

Michael Conteh, a Sierra Leonean national aged 31 years, is volunteering on the Unlocking Talent through Technology project in his home country. Read about his experience helping to improve and accelerate learning outcomes for early school years children. 

Inza, age 12, in the classroom
Suraj Ratna Shakya

The right to education for girls with disabilities

Izna was born with a hearing impairment and her school in Nepal didn’t have the resources to support her, forcing her to drop out. With the help of the ENGAGE project, Inza is now back in education and thriving.

Woman harvesting crops in field.

Why investing in small farmers and agroecology is critical in tackling the food crisis

Already battered by the climate crisis and COVID-19, Africa is now facing rising food prices in light of the war in Ukraine.

Women and youth making briquettes for fuel. Uganda.

Meet VSO’s youth innovators and climate champions

Meet Hosea Tumwine – an extraordinary young person and enthusiastic champion of women and girls’ rights in Uganda. Hosea is a member of VSO’s global youth network.

Children playing. Nyamasheke, Rwanda.

Levelling the playing field in early learning - Let's Learn Through Play

Here volunteer Anisa Hay from the USA talks about her role on our ‘Let’s Learn Through Play’ programme in Rwanda. The programme is funded by the Lego Foundation and promotes play-based learning as the foundation of early childhood education.

Womens Group, Yambio, Mozambique
Bob Campbell

My incredible volunteer journey - Dr Bob Campbell

Dr Bob Campbell has used his professional experience and skills to support VSO’s programmes in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, and South Sudan. Here reflects on his journey with VSO, it's most memorable moments, and the key things it has taught him.

Community volunteer Socrates visits a rebuilt home
VSO/Jeff DeKock

Life in Mozambique since Cyclone Idai

Three years on, the people of Mozambique continue to face challenges as a result of Cyclone Idai. Read how VSO volunteers are are playing a critical role in building back better.

Smallscale farmers participating in a training on agroecology. Manicaland. Zimbabwe.
VSO/Calvin Tome

The impact of climate change on women and girls

VSO is working to achieve gender equality in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction. Find out more.

Consolata (18 years old) in class at Nyamekongoroto catch-up centre
VSO/Paul Wambugu

The joy of returning to school for girls in Kenya

In Migori, southwest Kenya, catch-up classes are helping girls who’ve dropped out of school learn and laugh again. Find out more.

Seamstress helps a schoolchild put on a mask she made
VSO / Onye Ubanatu

Three ways VSO volunteers have adapted to COVID-19

Learn how in spite of the challenges of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased difficulty of working in communities, VSO volunteers have continued to support the most vulnerable throughout this crisis.

Volunteer Jessica Sucgang mentoring trainee teachers, Rwanda
Jessica Sucgang

Amplifying the voice of the community in Rwanda

Jessica Sucgang, an experienced teacher from the Philippines, volunteered with VSO’s Building Learning Foundations programme in Rwanda. Read about her experience mentoring teams of national volunteers as part of a programme aiming to improve basic education in Rwanda.

Community and VSO volunteers setting up the disaster risk management committee
VSO/Nyan Zay Htet

Setting the standard in global volunteering

Until now, although good practices and methodologies have existed across the volunteering sector, there has been no globally agreed set of standards. Together with the International Forum for Volunteering in Development, VSO has launched the Global Standard for Volunteering.