
The volunteers who won the annual VSO volunteer awards
VSO/Georgie Scott

Celebrating the unsung heroes fighting poverty: VSO Volunteer Impact Awards

Past and present volunteers joined VSO supporters and special guests for a special celebration at London’s Royal Geographical Society on 26 November 2019.

Ugandan female farmer carries grain on her head as part of VSO's YELG project
VSO/Ginny Lattul

Rebuilding hope, trust and communities in Uganda

When Sue Howes returned to Uganda 40 years after first volunteering there, she found a country still nursing the wounds left by war, extremism, disease and despotism. Compelled to do something, Sue and her husband Greg founded a project that would help communities build themselves back up.

Bake Off David Atherton | VSO volunteer
©VSO/Georgie Scott

From volunteer nurse to Great British Bake Off winner: David Atherton

David Atherton volunteered with VSO in Malawi training nurses and midwives, before going on to support thousands of VSO volunteers and staff as part of our medical team.

A team of ICS volunteers sit on the steps outside a building
VSO/Andrew Aitchison

Join the fight to stop orphanage tourism

Our network of over 35,000 youth volunteers is joining in efforts to end orphanage tourism and other harmful 'voluntourism' schemes.

Here’s a big thank you to our unsung classroom heroes

We say thank you to all the wonderful teachers we work with, across VSO.

Phyness Kankhwali, a teacher on VSO’s Unlocking Talent programme, teaches in the classroom at the Mdzobwe Primary School in rural Lilongwe
©VSO/Jeff DeKock

We’re training the teachers of tomorrow, today

There are now more children in education than ever before, but millions are leaving school without basic reading or maths skills. The solution? We think it begins with better teacher training.

Creating smiles in a Rohingya refugee camp

One year ago, VSO supporters donated £130,000 to help Rohingya children living in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. One year on, we look at the tremendous impact the project has made for thousands of people.

In photos: Grassroots recovery in Mozambique

The devastating effects of March’s cyclones linger on - but it is community volunteers who are leading the march towards recovery and ongoing resilience.

5 things I've learned volunteering in a refugee camp

Kenyan volunteer Ann Wambui shares what she's learnt as a volunteer in Cox's Bazar camp in Bangladesh.

Taking voices from communities to global decision makers

We hear from VSO Pakistan Country Director Hashim Bilal, on how communities in his country are making their voices heard when it comes to progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Meet the young activists fighting for Deaf rights

Youth volunteers Raabia, a young filmmaker from the UK, and her Kenyan counterpart, Enock, explain how badly marginalised Deaf people continue to be in both countries – and what they’re doing to help.

Watch the VSO film receiving international acclaim

Tabu, a film created by a community in Tanzania with the support of a VSO volunteer, has been screened at seven film festivals around the world. Now we want to share it with you.