Mangrove nursery project
Lisa Marie David

Video: The Humble Mangrove Tree

Did you know that mangroves, a mangled tropical wetland tree, are underrated climate change superheroes?

These remarkable trees protect coasts, ecosystems, homes and livelihoods, yet they are currently under threat. Check out our video which tells the impressive story of how VSO volunteers in the Philippines are harnessing the hidden power of mangroves, nature and community to create real sustainable change for families.

Watch the video

Our work in the Philippines

We’ve been working in the Philippines since 1964. Although the Philippines has made significant strides in reducing poverty, inequality and deprivation persists. With an average of 20 typhoons a year, rising sea levels and ocean acidification, the Philippines is often cited as one of the countries most at risk from the climate crisis. Learn more about how our volunteers are helping communities develop the techniques needed to build sustainable and resilient livelihoods in the face of adversity.

Learn more about VSO in the Philippines

Mangrove planting

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Youth outside the youth friendly clinic
VSO/Brian Ngali

The determined volunteers tackling sexual taboos

Millions of people worldwide experience barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health services. Meet two youth volunteers from Kenya who are helping to change this narrative by working with young and marginalised people to promote sexual and reproductive rights..

Text: The Green Perspective Podcast

Introducing the Green Perspective Podcast!

This International Youth Day, we’re excited to introduce you to our brand-new fortnightly podcast, The Green Perspective, where we’ll be delving deeper into the ever-expanding world of sustainability. VSO Youth Climate Champions, Fridah Okomo and Cetric Mululu, are here to guide you in navigating the world of green innovation.

Youth for Sustainable Development group
VSO/Brian Ngali

Watch how VSO's Digital Ambassadors are using their skills to support their communities

We asked VSO's Digital Ambassadors to tell us what issues young people face in their community and what skills are required by young people to tackle them. Watch this film featuring our volunteers answering these important questions.